Much has happen in the last month. There have been many ideas. These have come and gone. There have been good intentions. I wanted to report on my visit to Detroit. I wanted to report on all of the birds that neatly lined themselves on the power lines down the street from my house. Alas, they have flown away. Frazzled and a little warn, I sketched out a meditating man. It is hard to make what is flat have dimension or to pick colors that are not within grasp. So, I try and stay calm and let some of the nervous actions rest. Best not to try and force harmony. Harmony, is not responsive bullies.
I agree and find your words soothing. I do think though that harmony may sometimes respond to intentional acts. I recommend yoga with meditation and your picture suggests that you may agree.–David
The drawing was intentional. Yet, factors get it in the way of sublime results. I believe it is fruitless to demand results or get too upset. Though we may have limited control, we can keep busy and learn along the way. I have not yet tried yoga but do try to set aside time to let the mind settle.